Gearing up for M&SA '07
Hi guys
1. Goals on mission
As a team, we're hoping that each team member will achieve the following goals on mission:
- At least one clear gospel presentation using the God/Man/God outline with either a non-Christian parent or a kid
- At least one visitation to a non-church family by the end of the week
2. Preparing for mission:
For those who weren't able to make it to the last training day, we had a session on 'Preparing for mission'. Kinda like an opportunity for those who've been up to Maitland before to get an idea of what to pack, what to expect etc.
Here were some of the things suggested:
- have your program (and craft) finished before you arrive in Maitland. Mission is about making as much contact and building relationships with the locals around us. We're only there for about 7 days so its good to make the most of it rather than cutting up stuff the night before
- bring a proper pillow!
- air beds/mattresses will help. (we'll be sleeping in air conditioned, carpeted classrooms - no bunk beds)
- get an ample amount of rest before mission (and also during mission). Sleep on time and be mindful of others who will want to rest.
- bring enough clothes (to change in and out of because it'll be hot or you'll get into a water fight!), and also because the weather can change. (There will be opportunities to do a wash whilst your up there)
- on the similar theme of dress, please dress respectively. Please pack with wisdom and propriety – mindful of what would be most helpful for fellow team members (particularly those of the opposite sex).
- have a fishing trip mentality on mission - we're there to talk to people about Jesus so may our conversation be full of grace, seasoned with salt. Be flexible - if a kid invites you to swim at their place, be willing to go! Ask and push for opportunities to visit families (for coffee, for dinner).
FINALLY - it is assumed that you will be at mission from Sat morning right through until Sunday after pack up (which will be around lunchtime). If you won't be, please contact either Dan or Em ASAP.